Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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FileStat by Robert Lang, 30th August 1991.
FileStat was written in 100% SAS/Lattice C (V5.10a) using an Amiga 3000UX
running OS2.x V37.175 with 9 megs of RAM, 200 meg Quantum Hard Drive.
I regularly use a Bit Blitzer 2400 baud Modem using GPTerm Comms Software from
GPSoftware, and Macro68 Assembler from DigiSoft. I'm releasing it as
"Freely distributable" meaning you can distribute it for no more than the
current charges of Fred Fish PD or Megadisc PD (about $5 per disk) and I
retain ALL copyright to the program. It may only be redistributed in the
form I distribute it, unaltered and document intact. It may NOT be used on
any commercial program (disk-mag, whatever) without my permission.
FileStat has been tested under 2.0 and 1.3 alike.
Ok...enough of that, what does it do ? FileStat does very similar things
to a program I got in the PD a while back called FileInfo. Its main
intention is to let you set the Protection flags on files (you know, the
HSPARWED thingies that you try your best to avoid...). Along the way,
however, you can add comments to files, and rename them if you like.
FileStat shows the datestamp of the file (ie. the last time it was
modified) as well as the size if its a file (ie. not a directory, the size
of which has to be calculated !), both in bytes and blocks. The protection
flags are shown in true WB2.0 gadgets on the far right side, and you can
turn them on or off as required. If you enter a comment in the comment
field, then that is added as well, the results of this can be seen when
LISTing a directory. Also, if you change the name, the file or directory
will be RENAMEd.
Then there's the SAVE and QUIT gadgets. QUIT will exit without making
any changes, same effect as closing the FileStat window. SAVE will change
the Protection Flags, set the comment, rename the file, and exit.
Note that now FileStat accepts multiple arguments...ie. if you enter something
like 'filestat file1 file2 file3' then it will display the info for file1,
and when you click on SAVE or QUIT, it then shows the info for file2 etc...
Other interesting features : WB2.0 colours ! If the FileStat window is
active, you'll notice the colours get changed to accomodate the WB2.0-like
gadgets I have created for FileStat. WB2.0 users will only notice a
difference if they have modified the preferences to different colours from
the default (ie. MY default as I received it on the V37.175 update....)
Future Additions ??? None, unless anyone else can think of any ! The
program was written for a purpose, and since it serves that purpose I'll
probably never touch the source again.
Bug reports, hints, tips, etc to :
Robert Lang
P.O. Box 127
(Oh, and just because Rodney thinks its corny, this program is as usual
dedicated to my girlfriend, Suzanne Day !)